無溶劑復合機專用熱水機solvent-free compound temperature control
WMP系列 120℃標準水循環模溫機
WMD 120℃ water circulation mold temperature controller
Application range: Injection mould temp. control, extrusion screw, barrels, rubber machine temp. control
機型特點 main feature:
●最高使用溫度120℃,精度±1℃/±0.1℃ Highest temperature reaching 120oC, precision ±1℃/±0.1℃
●微電腦觸摸式,操作簡單 The panel control adopted micro, easy operation
●管路防爆裝置Inside pipe with safety explode-proof valve
●開機自動排氣功能 Power on with automatic air-exhausting
●OMRON、FUJI、TE控制零件Electric parts use OMRON,FUJI, Schneider.TE
●自動冷卻關機 Power off with automatic temp descending
●不銹鋼管路,減少管阻及銹垢Medium circulation pipe with stainless ,reduces pipe block
●出水、回水溫度顯示 Inlet and outlet with temp. display meter
●故障顯示,維修不用專業人員 Complete with safety protection and error indication system for easy operation
●模具回水功能(選購)Clean mold(Option)
●總電源過電流無熔絲斷路器Circuit breaker
●異常警報蜂鳴器Alarm sounding
●馬達反轉保護及指示燈Oil lack protective lamp
●出水壓力表 Water output pressure gauge
●冷卻水缺水保護及指示燈Cooling water less protective lamp
●過熱保護溫度開關Overheat protective lamp
●循環泵浦過載保護及指示燈Circuiting pump overload protective lamp
●回水溫度顯示表Water return temp. display
●By-Pass泄壓回路 By-pass pressure release circuit
●電源欠相保護Power protection